May 2021

Give runs a name

It’s now possible to give your run a name and description. You can set the name when you start the run. Also, you can set a description. For example, use it to write down where the run is about.

Give the run a name in AskAnna

When you run a job via the CLI, optionally you can optionally add the name and description as well:

askanna run job_name --name "Provide a name" --description "and a description"

Most of the run info cannot be edited afterward. AskAnna wants you to be able to reproduce what you did. But for the name and description of a run, we make an exception. Based on what happened during the run, you can change the name or add more information about the result of the run.

Edit run info in AskAnna

Support for more result types for a run

Till this release, we focused on JSON output as a result of a run. But when you are developing a model, the result might also be something else. We now support that you can save any binary data as a result of a run.

In the web interface, we now also let you view multiple file types:

  • JSON
  • XML
  • CSV
  • PDF
  • Excel
  • Text
  • HTML
  • Images (jpg, jpeg and png)

For large results, we only show a preview. And if possible we show a pretty view of the result data.

Result of a run in AskAnna

Read more about Result types

Set the time zone for the environment

Last month we released schedules with an option to set the time zone that the schedule should be based on. Next, we got a question if it also meant that if they set the time zone, it also was that the run environment would use that time zone. This was not the case, but with this release you can. Thanks for the question!

So, if you set the time zone in the askanna.yml file, we will set the time zone of the run environment to it. When you use date or time related functions, the specified time zone will be used.

push-target: ...
timezone: Europe/Amsterdam

    - date

If you run this job in AskAnna, in the log you will see something like:

AskAnna CLI, version 0.9.0 


$ date 
Thu May 20 11:24:39 CEST 2021 


Run succeeded 
Read more about Time Zones