April 2021

Schedule your Job

Sometimes you have a job that you want to run frequently. Now you can add a schedule to your askanna.yml configuration:

name of the job:
    - ...
    - "@weekly"

We support multiple schedules, and you can set the timezone:

name of the job:
    - ...
    - "@weekly"
    - day: 1
    - "0 8 * * *"

When you add a schedule to your job, you can check the schedules on the job page. Also you can see when the next run is planned:

Schedule your Job in AskAnna

Read more about Schedules

Track Variables

When you run a job, you can now not only track metrics but also track variables. It’s as simple as adding two lines to your Python file:

from askanna import track_variable

track_variable(name="model name", value="XGBoost")

Similar to track metrics, you can also get the tracked variables using the Python SDK or view them in the web interface:

Track Variables in AskAnna

Read more about Track Variables